Sunday, January 10, 2010

3 idiots

If you haven't heard of the controversies going on about the recently released movie '3 Idiots', the let me tell u somethin my frend - You are somewhere from out of this planet. Ugh! Any body who watched the movie AND has read '5 Point Someone' will be definitely intrigued by the claims and accusations that they fling at each other.

To talk about the movie: I loved it. It was one of the best college movies I ve seen after Dil Chahta Hai considering Bollywood. Aamir rocked as the ever so envied Rancho. Sharman and Maddy have done their roles to such a perfection that you might end up looking them up in your colleges too :) Since I dont like Bebo (never did), I felt someone else could have done a much better job. But all the same - 3 idiots has done balaatkar pe balatkaar - oops so sorry - Chamatkar pe chamatkar ;) everyone who hasn watched the movie - you are an idiot - so go watch the movie if you have a little bit of dignity left. :) just kidding you guys but do watch the movie. You will love it - nan guarantee!!!

And the controversies... well chetan wants credit for the story its based on. A very few important scenes from the book were connected to form the framework of the movie. The movie ppl gave him money and promised him credit but no sign of the latter according to Chetan's allegations. Aamir, his temper on the rise, told all kindsa crap about Chetan. Things turned ugly almost went to court. Then Chetan, the sweet person that he is, said he wanted to move on. That's how it is for now. The latest snippet is that Chetan has moved right opposite to Aamir's place - they sure wanna get close in real life :D I appreciate that.

As for me, I am unbiased. :) I loved the book and so did I love the movie.

Credit, schmedit. Arey bhaiya, Aal Izz well!!! :)

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